Sunday, September 14, 2008 doesn't get much sweeter than this.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love babies and children.  I always have.  I can remember my mother saying when I was a young girl, "I had better not look up and see you wagging a baby around."  I am not quite sure why she said that.  Knowing what a neat-freak she was, it probably had something to do with rumpled clothes or dirty places where little shoes hit.  But, nonetheless, wag babies I did - and still do.  Nancy caught this shot of me last week on an outreach in Lozi.  Rumpled clothes or dirty places aside, it doesn't get much sweeter than this.

IMG_0747 [1024x768]

1 comment:

Larisa said...

I want one of those! I asked my parents to put one of those sweeties in their pocket to bring home, but after 3 trips over, they have yet to bring me one! Not a big souvenir!