Sunday, February 8, 2009

Busy, Busy

Wow!  The past few weeks have been very busy around our place.  I am going to try to blog some of the exciting things that have been happening, so stay tuned.
Today we ministered in the village of Ukwe in Lilongwe District.  The journey was very long, and the roads were very  bumpy, but after about two hours of driving we arrived at the primary school where the church meets for service.
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We were greeted by many children and adults, ready to worship and learn from the word of God.
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We had a great morning of ministry and were so blessed to be invited to speak and be a part of this body of believers.  As I looked around the room, I had to appreciate the fact that these Christians gather and sit on the floor for hours to hear the Word of God and to so attentively listen to the teaching and preaching.  Even the children are quiet and attentive.
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The pastor and his wife had us over for a wonderful dinner of chicken, rice, rape, tomato stew, and juice.
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These photos show one of the ladies cooking and me with the ladies who prepared the meal and their children.
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Thank you, Pastor and Mai Namaan, for allowing us to share this day with your beautiful family.
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