Friday, March 28, 2014

Open-Air Crusade

We began an open-air crusade Wednesday night at one of our local churches, continuing each night and concluding Sunday morning. 

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What a great opportunity to take the message of Christ outside the walls of the church! A busy corner at the end of the work day presented a perfect venue for sharing the gospel. Many stopped outside the wall and stayed to listen to the singing and preaching.

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The dialect choir sang as traffic drove by, followed by praise and worship and the English choir.

Dusk fell as Gaylord began to preach.  Notice the people listening from the other side of the fence.

The first night focused on salvation, and many responded to the altar call.  The pastor assisted in praying for the new convernts.
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This painting is on the front of the church.  Each night they set up and tore down for service.
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Subsequent messages focused on healing and deliverance from things that keep us in bondage and fear with special prayer for the children.

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