Sunday, February 21, 2016

Faith Chapel A/G–Owensgrove

For any of the men and women who gave in time or finances to see the re-construction of Owensgrove Bible Institute, you should be proud to know that your investment is reaping eternal dividends. February 21, 2014, we preached for Pastors Emmanuel and Martha Narmah and were blessed to see a vibrant church going forward in ministry.
Because this church is located on campus, several of our Owensgrove Bible Institute students are involved in ministry here as they prepare for future ministry.
Today our offering was some "cold water", this stalk of bananas, and the offer of a very fine male or female village puppy from one of the members.  Unfortunately, the compound where we live will not allow the dog, but I think we can easily put the other items back into the ministry.

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