Sunday, September 21, 2008

Interesting Sights....

Well, this weekend we are showing the "Jesus Film" and preaching a mini-crusade in the city of Dwangwa at a church in the rural fishing village called Matumbi.  Since we arrived in town, these are the sights I have seen so far.     
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To the left of me are the windows to our one-room lodging; above me is the mosquito net; and directly in front of me are my feet, as you can see.  These may seem like odd sights to you and not quite what you expected.  I feel the same.  Unfortunately, I am experiencing a stomach virus, I do believe.
Gaylord had to make my apologies to the pastor and go to the church without me.  That was 7 1/2 hours ago, and he is still not back.  I have been too sick to mind, except for the excursion I had to make to get some bottled water.  I have never been the only white woman at a bar in Africa before!
Thanks to liquids, imodium, aspirin and some sleep, I am feeling better.  Hopefully, tomorrow's pictures will be of the fishing village of Matumbi and great crusade scenes.

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